Were lucky to live here

19 Apr 2017 Benalla Ensign, Benalla VIC (General News) LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Two years ago we likened the advent of the street art as the best thing to happen to Benalla since the art gallery was built. After the outstanding success of the third Wall to Wall weekend, there is no doubt that the original statement is true. Congratulations once again to Jim (Myconos) and his great committee, and all the volunteers who pitched in. Equally, we must thank Jaclyn Symes MP (Member for Northern Victoria) for her timely intervention with the state government, to ensure funds were available for the project. In mentioning the art gallery, we implore everyone to to pay a visit, as the exhibitions on show at the moment are first class. Feast on Brett Whitely, Sidney Nolan, and street artists Rone and Adnate. Three great exhibitions showing together. Well done to the art director Bryony Nainby. We are certainly lucky to live in Benalla. -Julia and Paddy OBrien, Benalla Licensed by Copyright Agency. You may only copy or communicate this work with a licence.