Wetlands in sun spotlight

11 Jul 2017 Country News insert, Shepparton VIC (General News) The Winton Wetlands could be transformed into Victorias latest solar farm, with the Victorian Government commissioning a $50 000 feasibility study into the idea. The study will investigate the current capital requirements and economic potential to construct a 10 MW solar power plant at the wetlands to generate large-scale solar renewable energy. The area will be surveyed, with aspects of the land for development including soil type, drainage and access, native vegetation assessment, indigenous cultural heritage assessment as well as community engagement and amenity impacts all falling under the microscope. Member for Northern Victoria Jaclyn Symes said the study could result in potential job creation and regeneration of the wetlands. This Winton Wetlands project is one of many across country Victoria that is making the most of opportunities presented through renewable energy generation, she said. This project could have a significant impact on the way many Australians generate, buy, sell and use electricity. The funding is part of the governments $20 million New Energy Jobs Fund. Caption Text: Solar site? . . . A feasibility study will explore whether a solar farm could be established at Winton Wetlands. Picture: Rene Martens Licensed by Copyright Agency. You may only copy or communicate this work with a licence.