You win some, you lose some

18 Aug 2017 Wangaratta Chronicle, Wangaratta VIC (General News) ITS been a long week in politics, both state and local, and as always there were some winners and some losers. The winner at the moment, even if a result is yet to be confirmed, is the North Wangaratta Football Netball Club and the Wangaratta Clay Target Club with politicians on all sides jumping in for a speedier resolution to the lead contamination issue. It came to a head last week when EPA told North Wangaratta reserve tenants the contamination may not be fixed until after the 2018 football/netball season, effectively putting the future of the club on the chopping block. Early this week Tim McCurdy (MLA, Ovens Valley) called for and held an urgent meeting with the EPA for a please explain and has been told if everything goes to plan access will be achieved by 2018. Now Jaclyn Symes (MLC, Northern Victoria), has stepped in, calling for her Environment Minister to fire a shot across the bows of the EPA to get some action on the clean-up. If that can be achieved the Hawks chances of using their own ground next season have suddenly and dramatically improved. Now that our state representatives have committed to action we can be sure they will follow this course through to the end as there is much credibility to be gained or lost, depending on the outcome. On the other hand the Wangaratta council has accepted its vision for an $8.9 million aquatic project has to be put on hold after repeatedly failing to attract federal funding. The council announced a two year wait for the proposed 50-metre pool while it searches for other funding options and attempts to find out why it has failed three times applying to the Building Better Regions Fund. One of the funding options to be considered will be for council to fund the lot itself. It will be interesting to see how that will be received by the wider community if it ever came to pass. Licensed by Copyright Agency. You may only copy or communicate this work with a licence.