Big plans developing at CEACA

31 Oct 2018 Alexandra Eildon Marysville Standard, Alexandra VIC (General News) MEL Gourlay, Neighbourhood House Coordinator at CEACA, outlined plans for the organisation in a discussion with candidate for Eildon Sally Brennan and Minister for Regional Development [Member for Northern Victoria] Jaclyn Symes. CEACA will only remain a registered training organisation (RTO) until the end of 2019 for the course in equine podiatry but hope to offer more certificate course in the future. They will be running taster courses in a variety of subjects next year including welding, carpentry, and hair, beauty and makeup. They may look at partnering with other organisations to run these courses. Some local businesses are already running courses through CEACA. Ms Gourlay was particularly keen to emphasise the need for more mental health support in the area, and have applied to FRRR for funding to run mental health first aid courses and equine therapy courses. In addition, theyre aiming to run more courses in hospitality, as well as accountancy and bookkeeping. Self- defense, dance and karate may also be on the agenda, along with bush and nature skills, and developing the capacity to serve an aging population in conjunction with U3A. They are making use of Skills Reconnect to help knock down the barriers which people may face in gaining employment, and have been pitching for a youth centre such as the one at Doveton College. They hope to set up the facility with the shire, with CEACA then running the facility. The role of neighbourhood house coordinator is now a funded role, and CEACA can now provide community development pre-accreditation training. They are also speaking to Centrelink about funding for increased hours of service, and are now operating the food cupboard and food share with the profits returned to the community. Their ultimate aim is to be an all-round community based house and the board are currently working on a new strategic plan.