Bigger police station reflects Brights growth

27 Sep 2018 Wangaratta Chronicle, Wangaratta VIC (General News) BRIGHTS new state-of-the-art police station was officially opened on Monday. Jaclyn Symes (MLC, Northern Victoria) did the honours at a ceremony that saw members from Victoria Police command, local officers, emergency service workers, Alpine Shire councillors and staff, local business and community organisation representatives and local residents all present. The new $3.2 million purpose-built facility in Churchill Avenue is four times the size of the old station and marks an exciting new chapter for local officers. The building will accommodate local police as well as be able to cope when responding to emergencies that may involve additional personnel and other emergency service workers. The former station was built in 1984 with space for just five staff members and was later extended in 1992, before being knocked down early last year to make way for the new headquarters. The new facility caters for growth in the Alpine community and fluctuating tourism numbers, when the population can grow up to 30,000 on weekends and during events. There are only four weekends a year when there isnt an event in or around Bright, and this fantastic new facility will provide more support for police as we head into another busy summer period, Ms Symes said. Senior Sergeant Doug Incoll said his officers were thrilled with their new home which they moved into in mid-August with some works still to be completed. Its a fantastic facility and allows us to do everything we need in a spacious and modern space, he said. Ms Symes said the State Government has also invested in additional policing resources for Bright and the surrounding region.