Budget funds to deliver more police across the North East

11 May 2018 Wangaratta Chronicle, Wangaratta VIC (General News) AT least 24 more police officers will be deployed in the North East to help protect residents as part of the State Governments 2018/19 budget commitments to police and emergency services. Some $25 million has been invested in a crime prevention package to support Victoria Police, while more than $43 million has been budgeted to help upgrade and build new Country Fire Authority (CFA) and State Emergency Service (SES) facilities. A $10 million volunteer support package that provides grants for training and development for emergency services volunteers has also been continued in this years state budget. Jaclyn Symes (MLC, Northern Victoria) said funding allocated would provide local volunteers with important training to keep the region safe. This budget builds on our record investment in police resources which will see more police, more powers and more safety for communities like Wangaratta, Ms Symes said. This year we will see the deployment of at least an additional 24 police across North East Victoria. Land will be purchased for new (emergency services builds) and works are already under way on the $1.6 million construction of a new headquarters for Wangaratta SES.