Deal rock solid

01 Aug 2018 Benalla Ensign, Benalla VIC (General News) by Simon Ruppert Lima South Quarry to operate facility The pre-cast concrete facility being built in Benalla to supply the West Gate Tunnel Project is now set in stone and local firm Lima South Quarry has been confirmed as its operator. The fate of the facility has been unclear since being announced with the state opposition making moves to block the tunnel project. However, Member for Northern Victoria Jaclyn Symes has confirmed that, not only will the West Gate Tunnel be built, LS Quarry has been confirmed as operators of the new facility. Were at a position where we can announce that a local family run business will be the operator of the concrete facility being built in Benalla, Ms Symes said. A company by the name of LS Quarry, which Im pretty sure is short for Lima South Quarry, will be the operator of the facility. As we know this is the concrete facility being built to supply the West Gate Tunnel project. So while that project is the reason the facility is being built, its going to be operated locally. Whats exciting about that local employment opportunity is that we will shortly see a pop-up store in Benalla, which will be all about having information for prospective employees and those who want to find out more about it. So despite all the political games that were being played a couple of months ago we are now in the clear, theres no more opportunities for the Libs and Nats to knock this project off. Its full-steam ahead. We expect to be operational before the end of the year and jobs will be coming online very soon. Its really exciting for Benalla and North East Victoria. Its exciting for those who are wanting to see if this is somewhere theyd like to live and work. And having the opportunity to have conversations at the pop-up store in Benalla shortly is something that I think most people will be pretty excited about. The pre-cast concrete facility will create up to 400 jobs, half of those will be located at the site being developed on Yarrawonga Rd.