Dough a bakery boon

26 Jun 2018 Border Mail, Albury-Wodonga (General News) by Ellen Ebsary A $750,000 upgrade to a Rutherglen family business is expected to create 20 jobs. The Perry siblings Harry, Joe and Matilda took over Valentines Bakehouse from parents Ross and Kay Perry in 2016 and are now planning a new bakehouse and retail space. Member for Northern Victoria Jaclyn Symes confirmed yesterday the state government would fund some of the project. ELLEN EBSARY reports: P8 A $750,000 upgrade of Valentines Bakehouse in Rutherglen is expected to create 20 jobs. Plans were unveiled yesterday as Northern Victoria MLC Jaclyn Symes announced a contribution to the Perry Groups investment from the state government. The bakery on Main Street is one of five locations in the region run by Harry Perry with his brother Joe and sister Matilda. Currently this is our production facility (at Rutherglen) for all locations it was never really built for that purpose, Mr Perry said. Were really ramping things up building a whole new bakehouse out the back and a whole new retail space out the front. Roasting of White Owl Coffee, which the siblings supply to more than 10 businesses in total, will move from The Barista, Baker and Brewer on Wodonga Place in South Albury to the renovated shop in Rutherglen. This roastery and the new bakehouse, to be built on an empty lot behind the building by June 2019, will have glass walls and be accessible for viewing for locals and visitors. We mooted this idea 12 months ago and were now about to go to council with the plans, Mr Perry said. Well need quite an addition to the baking team, well need delivery drivers, front-of-house staff theres basically 20 news positions from this build itself. It wouldnt have got going as quickly as it has without the government funding weve received. Ms Symes could not say how much the state government had contributed to the $750,000 upgrade for commercial-in-confidence reasons but said all businesses were welcome to apply for the same funding. This is an expansion the Andrews Labor government is very happy to be contributing to financially, she said. The contribution is from the regional jobs and infrastructure fund this is facilitated by Regional Development Victoria who are always very happy to talk to anybody in country Victoria about their projects. Theres a lot happening in Rutherglen. Ms Symes also visited Rutherglen IGA to deliver a boosting business productivity program grant, and officially launched a new $800,000 pumper for the Wangaratta fire brigade.