Emergency response

06 Dec 2017 Myrtleford Times, Myrtleford VIC (General News) by Jamie Kronborg Mayor wants families to update vulnerable persons list ALPINE mayor Ron Janas has encouraged local families to ensure the names and contact points of vulnerable relatives and friends particularly older people living alone are listed with Alpine Health ahead of potential emergencies like last weekends rain. Cr Janas saidAlpine Health maintained a vulnerable person register so that emergency management personnel were able to check on their safety, and that of their property, during severe weather or fires. We need to keep a check on vulnerable people across all our communities at times like this, he said. We need as a neighbourly community to make sure Alpine Healths vulnerable persons list is up to date. Theres always the risk that someone could fall through the cracks and we must make sure, as much as its possible, that this doesnt occur. Cr Janas and Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews who flew in to Myrtleford by helicopter on Sunday morning to review the effects of three-day falls totalling 156 millimetres and the emergency response thanked volunteers, State Emergency Service personnel and others who rallied to help those caught up by the weather. We havent had a full debrief from council staff yet because theyre still making their assessments of the rain and minor flooding but I do know that we were wellprepared as communities, the mayor said. Our staff did a fantastic job over and beyond what was expected of them, and I thank them for that. It was a good live exercise to test our plans for emergency management but equally the volunteers who worked hard -and tirelessly need to be commended. Weve got great communities and people across the shire who will pitch in and help as required. Cr Janas said the potential for unusual, dramatic weather and other natural events also showed a need for succession among the Ovens and Kiewa valleys volunteer corps. Continued page 2 More flood photos, stories page 3 SES and Country Fire Authority into the future to ensure that we can help our neighbours, our own communities and our neighbouring communities, he said. We are so fortunate that we have maintained that neighbourliness in our communities when a lot have lost it. Its very important for times calls from the Premier and Cathy McGowan (MHR, Indi), and the support of Tim McCurdy (MLA, Ovens Valley) and Jaclyn Symes (MLC Northern Victoria), to help the Ovens and Kiewa communities as required. He said senior officials from the public service had also contacted him and council staff to offer support. heavy rain and potential flooding. North East Victoria is very closeknit community and (people) always looks out for each other, he said. It makes you proud. He particularly commended volunteers form Myrtleford Lions Club who on Saturday evening responded to an urgent call for more sandbags. the best information available its rain forecasts had proved accurate but the intensity and location of falls had shifted. I would much rather here answering those sort so questions (about the heightened advance warnings) than having to deal with not having warned people, he said. Caption Text: HERE TO HELP: Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews met with local emergency services on Sunday to see for himself the impact of the rain. PHOTO: Justin Jenvey Licensed by Copyright Agency. You may only copy or communicate this work with a licence.