Fix our line

13 Mar 2018 North Central Review (Kilmore), Melbourne (General News) Action group forms AN action group calling on local politicians is hoping to have their voices heard prior to the stale and federal elections. State members last weekshared their views on how to fix the state of the regions trains, with member lor EuroaSteph Ryan announcing more trains il a Nationals-Coalition government were elected, while member for Northern Victoria Jaclyn Symes wants track issues sorted out belore trains_ The Fix [he Seymour Line -Action Group was formed by Vicki Lee last week in an attempt to create adialogue around residents concerns. There has been plenty of discussion on social media about the train issues facing the region, and Ms Lee said she wanted to gather the stories. Ive opened up this group so we can collate peoples experiences and get the government to notice us, she said. Another active member in the group, Sally Booth, said she wanted the group to be proactive so they could affect change on a range of issues. [We need to] ask for more carriages, more services, a dedicated line, so we dont get stuck behind MET trains, she said. H And suggest we are brought into Southern Cross Station and not dumped on the far-end of Platform B so we have to walk another five minutes and are then even later each morning. Contact all election representatives and urge them to make this their priority,especially if they want our voteat the next election.1Licensed by Copyright Agency. You may only copy or communicate this work with a licence.