Funds offer a sporting chance

02 Feb 2018 Riverine Herald, Echuca VIC (General News) GETTING to the finish line is sometimes only half the battle for some of our emerging sports stars, so the State Government is making the task of getting to the start line a lot easier. With a new round of applications now open, state sporting associations will be able to apply for grants of up to $6000 for teams or $2000 for individual athletes for travel to compete at national championships or selection trials. Labor Upper House Member for Northern Victoria Jaclyn Symes yesterday announced applications for the next round of the Athlete Pathway Travel Grants Program were now open. In the last round, funding support was given to Victorians to take on the best in Australia in events like the D.A.N.C.E. National Championships, Australian Paragliding Nationals, National Rowing Championships and Junior Cross Country Ski Squad program and development camps. Everyone involved in sport needs to travel long distances to competitions or training camps to reach their potential. Ms Symes said now the government is helping country athletes remove the cost barrier of travel and accommodation. She encouraged athletes, coaches, officials and teams across Northern Victoria to take advantage of the grant and get their application in to Sport and Recreation Victoria as soon as possible. The cost of travel and a place to stay can often rob young country athletes from playing the sport they love, Ms Symes said. This funding will give more players, coaches and volunteers in Northern Victoria the chance to take their skills to the next level and reach their full potential. I encourage all local clubs and state sporting associations to make the most of this opportunity and start applying now. Clubs can also apply for up to two grants per funding round of $750 each to assist athletes, coaches, officials and teams with the travel costs of training and competition. The Athlete Pathway Travel Grants Program is part of the Labor Governments strategy to make sport more accessible and inclusive and boost local participation. Applications for 2017-18 are now e open and close on March 6, 2018. For t more information or to apply online visit Caption Text: TRAVEL ACCESSORIES: State Government MP Jaclyn Symes is urging budding sportspeople to apply for a new round of grants of up to $6000 to assist with travel and accommodation costs. Rowers such as Echucas Sophie Reinehr (above) were some of the main beneficiaries in the last round. Photo: Ray Sizer