Funds to revitalise town

Seymour is quickly making a name for itself as an economic and tourism hub, and with an injection of almost $1 million in funding just announced by the Victorian Government, it looks set to grow and prosper even further. Labor says it plans to revitalise Seymour with funding for upgrades and improvements to community facilities, as well as investment mapping and business cases to ensure the town is wellplaced for development opportunities and investment going forward. Firstly, $300 000 in funding will kick-start the new Seymour Revitalisation Initiative, which will unlock the potential, address barriers and ensure Seymour is best-placed to attract greater investment in the future. A further $500 000 in funding will make improvements to Seymours Kings Park, Goulburn Park, and Chittick Park, with works to start shortly on upgrades. The Kings Park projects include a refurbishment of the change room facilities, toilets and kitchen in the main pavilion, while the lighting will be replaced in the neighbouring green exhibition building. Goulburn Park will receive upgrades to the toilets, playground and landscaping which will further enhance the installation of the new fishing platform on the river. Chittick Park will see landscaping and amenity improvements and the creation of a new space for youth activities, including a basketball half-court, as well as the installation of reverse cycle airconditioning units in the stadium which is sure to please anyone who has entered the stadium on a hot day. A further $50 000 was also announced for a feasibility study to progress linking Seymour to Tallarook as part of the Great Victorian Rail Trail, while Labor is also supporting the Seymour Railway Heritage Centre by funding their Getting Seymour Business Back on Track project with a $47 000 funding injection. The project aims to capitalise on Seymours rich rail history and gems of the region with a networking event in early 2019. Member for Northern Victoria Jaclyn Symes said while she represents almost half of the state, she has always seen the potential for Seymour and wanted the town to thrive. She made it a priority, and hired Fionna Deppeler-Morton who is now running as the Labor candidate for the seat of Euroa at this years state election specially to head up the project. Fionna Deppeler-Morton has spent 18 months on this project, she has worked through the communitys priorities and has made this happen, Im so excited to see it come to fruition, Ms Symes said. Partnership and collaboration are crucial to the revitalisation of Seymour, and the creation of the Seymour Revitalisation Initiative means we can work with all the key players to really get Seymour rocking. Member for Euroa Steph Ryan said she was relieved to see Seymour receive some much needed funding. With billions of dollars being spent in Melbourne, I think Seymour deserves its fair share, she said. With $500 000 earmarked to be shared between Kings, Goulburn and Chittick parks, Ms Ryan said she was concerned it wasnt enough. I have secured $760 000 funding for upgrades to Kings Park alone, which will include upgrades to the football netball club rooms, as well as the Ken Hall pavilion, because at the moment the cricketers dont have bathroom or changeroom facilities, and theres also funding there for an upgrade to the playgroup and internal works, so Im a little bit concerned that $500 000 that needs to be spread around the three parks just wont cut it. In one sense Im relieved Seymour is getting some funding, but a bit disappointed its coming on the eve of an election when Labor has had four years to do it. Ms Deppeler-Morton said it was a significant investment from the Victoria Government, which recognised all that is wonderful about Seymour. I love Seymour, I love the Goulburn River, its fantastic that this investment is going to deliver even better outdoor spaces; I want local families to have the best facilities and for visitors to recognise how fantastic Seymour is, Ms Deppeler-Morton said. In the past four years Labor has invested millions towards the things that matter most to locals, including Seymour College, Seymour Health, Barrabill House, GOTAFE, sporting and community facilities, and the Seymour Revitalisation Initiative will take this to the next level.