Goulburn Valley Highway back to 10Okm/h

17 Jan 2018 Yea Chronicle, Yea VIC (General News) THE speed limit on the Goulburn Valley Highway between Yea and Molesworth was restored to 1 OOkm/h on Thursday, December 21 following the completion of final road resealing works. This stretch of road was identified as one of the highest risk rural roads in the state as part of the Towards Zero Road Safety Action Plan. Between 2010 and 2015, there were 11 crashes on this section of road where 13 people were seriously injured and eight people were killed. A number of upgrades have been made to improve the safety of the road, including the installation of flexible safety barriers that help to prevent head-on and run-off-road crashes, and the construction of additional lanes for safer overtaking. As part of this $18.5 million upgrade, the existing road pavement has also been repaired. While the road was opened ahead of the busy snow season earlier this year, the final resealing and line-marking works were undertaken in summer when the weather conditions were more favourable. Now that the final resealing works are complete, the posted speed limit has been restored to lOOkm/h. Labor Upper House Member for Northern Victoria, Jaclyn Symes, thanked the community for their patience while the speed limit was reduced during construction works. Given the tragic crash history, its been our priority to improve the safety of the Goulburn Valley Highway between Yea and Molesworth, Ms Symes said. It has now been transformed from one of the riskiest roads in the state into one of the safest. Now that we have the safety measures in place, VicRoads will restore the speed limit. The safety upgrades on the Goulburn Valley Highway between Yea and Molesworth were funded by Transport Accident Commission and delivered by VicRoads, as part of Towards Zero. Caption Text: The speed along the Goulburn Valley Highway between Molesworth and Yea has been restored to lOOkm/h. -JR Licensed by Copyright Agency. You may only copy or communicate this work with a licence.