Innovators should follow familys example

26 Jun 2018 Border Mail, Albury-Wodonga (General News) IT CAN be too easy to look at a few empty shop fronts and deduce, unfairly, that things are tough. The fact is the business sector is always in a state of flux; its the nature of the beast. Thats because peoples buying habits change over time, or the next generation might not want to take on the family firm. For the number of vacancies, theres a considerable number more who are working hard and achieving great results. When theres leaner economic times it can be it difficult to stay afloat. But it is also fair to say that so many people in business these days are there because they are always thinking of innovative ways to do what they do, or they see the potential in new markets. That is certainly the case right across the Border region. If you were able to do a comparison between now and, say, 20 years ago, the difference would be striking. That innovative approach has been ably demonstrated by the Perry family of Rutherglen and their business Valentines Bakehouse. Not only does it have a main bakery on Main Street in Rutherglen, it has opened retail operations in four other locations. There is certainly a freshness and vitality to what they do, not only with the basics of making and selling bread but with taking that love of food to such things as coffee bean roasting. Of course, they are not the only example of tremendous strides being made in the culinary scene in the region. But in this instance they are worth singling out given the Victorian governments decision to invest in the Perry Groups $750,000 upgrade of its Rutherglen operations. While the exact contribution by the government cannot be revealed, it has to be seen as signficant for the very fact that it plays such a crucial role in the work proceeding. And when you consider that up to 20 jobs will be created, it is some very good news that should be celebrated. This should give heart to other North East businesses also considering expansion, given that the money has come from the governments regional jobs and infrastructure fund. As Northern Victoria MLC Jaclyn Symes points out, Regional Development Victoria is always very happy to sit down and talk to anybody in country Victoria about their projects.