Jump on the small business bus

06 Sep 2017 Mansfield Courier, Mansfield VIC (General News) SMALL business operators in the Mansfield area will be able to access free mentoring, support and government business services when the Small Business Bus visits on Thursday, September 14. The Small Business Bus is a great service for local businesses to have access to expert face-to-face advice, said Jaclyn Symes (MLC, Northern Victoria). This program plays an important part in providing Victorians with greater access to government support services to encourage business and jobs growth across the state. The State Government doubled its mobile support for small business in 2015, with a second Small Business Bus delivering valuable advice to towns and suburbs across Victoria for the past two years. The bus service provides advice from small business mentoring specialists skilled in marketing, finance, human resources and sales. These experts have extensive experience in operating small businesses and in senior business management roles. The Minister for Small Business, Innovation and Trade, Philip Dalidakis, said that Victoria is where the help is needed. Victoria is home to more than half a million small businesses and we are leading the country in small business growth, he said. In 2016-17 more than 1300 small businesses accessed free on-board mentoring, while a further 6400 received assistance from information officers. This years enhanced touring program will take more information and services to more towns across the state than ever before, benefiting businesses that may not have the time or resources to otherwise access the available support. The two vehicles also play a vital role in providing business recovery support to communities in times of crisis, such as those that have been affected by bushfires. The increased capacity of the program now enables greater flexibility and faster response times when assistance is required. The Small Business Bus will be located outside the Mansfield Hotel, 86 High Street, Mansfield, from 10am to 4pm on Thursday, September 14. Free mentoring sessions on board the bus are limited and bookings are essential. For more information or to book a session, visit business.vic.gov.au/sbb or call Small Business Victoria on 132 215. Caption Text: ALL ABOARD: There will be lots of information for Mansfield locals when the Small Business Bus visits on Thursday, September 14. Licensed by Copyright Agency. You may only copy or communicate this work with a licence.