The Alpine town of Porepunkah is set to benefit from a number of streetscape and riverside upgrades that will help grow the regional visitor economy, thanks to a $500,000 investment from the Andrews Labor Government. Labor Upper House Member for Northern Victoria, Jaclyn Symes, announced the Labor Government is investing in the Alpine Better Places project from its $500 million Regional Jobs and Infrastructure Fund to help the Alpine Shire Council spread the economic benefits of tourism across its rural towns. The Porepunkah component of the Alpine Better Places project will deliver a range of upgrades that will increase the attractiveness of the town to locals, visitors and investors alike. Ms Symes said the project will provide a gateway into town, improve pedestrian links between the towns retail precinct and the river, upgrade traffic management and parking, and create a dedicated community space on the riverfront. It will inject valuable funds into the tourism sector and increase overall economic activity, ensuring the economic and social sustainability of Porepunkah. Tourism in our beautiful Alpine region is growing year on year, and the Andrews Labor Government is proud to partner with Alpine Shire Council to deliver projects that will help all communities benefit from the economic opportunity, Ms Symes said. The upgrades in Porepunkah will help draw people into the town centre, encourage them to stay for longer and spend money locally. Works are expected to commence this month, generating nine construction jobs over the construction period. At the gateway to Mount Buffalo, Porepunkah has a captive audience in the 180,000 visitors that travel to the mountain each year for its snowfield, cycling trails, and beautiful landscape. In addition, the Murray to Mountains Rail Trails winds through the township and attracts 140,000 visitors per year. The Alpine Better Places project has underpinned recent private sector investment in the region, such as the $1 million redevelopment of the Porepunkah Hotel. Right across the state, the Government is investing in projects that make country Victoria a better place to live, work and do business.