Mens Shed open after upgrades completed

18 Jul 2018 Myrtleford Times, Myrtleford VIC (General News) by Tate Spiteri THE Myrtleford Mens Shed celebrated the completion of the latest upgrades to their shed last week. Jaclyn Symes (MLC, Northern Victoria) was in Myrtleford on Thursday to officially open the refurbished shed which has undergone $25,000 worth of upgrades since opening in 2009. The group initially received Labor Government funding when they were established almost 10 years while a recent grant of $16,380 helped allow for two extensions to the shed for extraction equipment to remove dust from the main workshop. Ms Symes said the Mens Shed does a great job in Myrtleford bringing men together, whether it is for their interest in art, woodwork or construction or to learn new and retain old skills. This was an important project for the shedders, Ms Symes said. It was identified as their next priority amazingly they fundraised to contribute to the project as well and they constructed it themselves so I want to congratulate them for their efforts and thank them for their continued support. Myrtleford Mens Shed secretary Clive Walker said with the dust extraction equipment, which took about 10 months to build now in place, members could continue their woodworking activities in a cleaner environment. At the moment weve got a few different projects happening, were building some display pedestals, a wine rack and table for some clients and Im making a speakers podium for Rotary, he said. Being the middle of winter there are a few guys are away so its bit quitter around the shed. Mr Walker said the group has ideas to further extend the shed while theyve recently added some second-hand tools to their collection including a table saw and a spindle router. The state government recently held a funding round which will provide $885,000 for the construction of new Mens Sheds and the refurbishment of existing sheds in 2018-19. The successful Mens Sheds will be announced in late August.