Money to help wildlife

01 Mar 2017 Cobram Courier, Cobram VIC (General News) Dutch Thunder Wildlife Shelter will receive $4000 from the Victorian Government to help it continue caring for sick, injured and orphaned wildlife. Dutch Thunder owner and operator Kylee Donkers said the funding was welcomed by her and her partner James Leonard. This is the first year that both of us have been able to get the $2000 funding, and it means a lot to us, Ms Donkers said. We were about $9000 out of pocket with the flood effort, so this certainly helps that. Ms Donkers said there were limits on what the funding could be spent on. We are only allowed to spend $500 from each grant on consumables, so things like food, fuel and medication. This means we will have $3000 to spend on repairing our shelters and we are also looking at getting a water misting system around the house to cool down the animals in summer. State Member for Northern Victoria Jaclyn Symes said $42 937 of funding would go to 20 shelter operators and five foster carers. The Wildlife Rehabilitator Grants program has supported licensed Victorian wildlife rehabilitators since 2008 and allows shelter operators and foster carers to purchase important equipment and infrastructure for the recovery of native wildlife. The Andrews Labor Government is committed to supporting Victorias important wildlife rehabilitators in northern Victoria, Ms Symes said. The Wildlife Rehabilitator Grants have provided financial support to many of northern Victorias dedicated volunteers who house, feed and care for our wildlife when they need it most. Dedicated shelter operators and foster carers in country Victoria play a vital role in ensuring the return of many native animals back to their natural habitats. Licensed by Copyright Agency. You may only copy or communicate this work with a licence.