New fire station coming for Nagambie

17 Oct 2018 Euroa Gazette, Euroa VIC (General News) by Diane Grant IT was Fire Action Week October 7-14. What better time to announce a new fire station for Nagambie. The Nagambie CFA Brigade was established in 1901 and it has been housed in the Vine Street location since 1955. Jaclyn Symes (MLC, Northern Victoria) visited the Nagambie Fire Brigade, representing the Minister for Emergency Services, and announced that $1.35 million would be spent to replace the existing station in Vine Street. Ms Symes was accompanied by Labor candidate for Euroa, Fiona Deppeler-Morton on her visit to Nagambie, with Mayor of the Strathbogie Shire Council, Cr Amanda McClaren and Cr Deb Bower (formerly Swan) in attendance at the mornings announcement. Ms Symes acknowledged the councillors and fire brigade members at the announcement morning, and said its now time to replace the inadequate facilities for a better investment needed and deserved by the Nagambie brigade volunteers. The protection of the community is so important, and in some cases, generations of many years of service have happened here since 1955. She said a new fire station funded by the Victorian Government will be built from late next year on a site acquired two years ago by the CFA in High Street, Nagambie. It is expected to be completed by mind-2020. I look forward to seeing this build take shape over the next 18 months, she said. This is exciting news to the 33 volunteer members of the current Nagambie Fire Brigade. Ms Symes spoke of the constraints the fire fighters have had at the current facilities and their need for a modern base that can house a larger fire truck and provide better facilities, for the volunteer fire fighters who respond to close to 50 incidents a year. The Andrews Labor Government is supporting our fire fighters by giving them the infrastructure, equipment and training they need to respond to emergencies and keep people safe, Ms Symes said. Construction of the fire station will begin in 2019 with the CFA to consult with the local CFA district (District 22) and the brigades to finalise the plans and project details. The new station is long overdue, and the members are doing the best that they can, she said. They need a new station fit for the purpose to see them well into the future for the community. The new station will ensure the dedicated CFA volunteer members have a new station to not only work from but to train future members who can then protect the community more efficiently and respond to emergencies better. Captain Alen Treble thanked Ms Symes, Ms Depeller-Morton, shire councillors and his brigade firefighters for attending the funding announcement morning. It will be a huge asset to the Nagambie community, and the CFA is one of the hubs in the district, Mr Treble said. He thanked the councillors for coming along to congratulate the brigade on the funding for the new station and thanked the Labor government for the great news delivered by Ms Symes.