New oval for Kilmore primary

06 Mar 2018 Whittlesea Review, Whittlesea (General News) KILMORE Primary School has secured 380,000 iiunLhi for the schools sporting oval redevelopment. Member For Northern Victoria, Jaclyn Symes, broke the news to students last Friday at the school assembly while presenting student leadership badges. Currently every winter the oval holds water and large pools form and stagnate around the goal post areas, especially at the south end of the oval, and has resulted In students not being able to use the oval. The redevelopment, ensuring students will have a first class field and Ausklck participants will use the oval all year round. Works will Include excavation and trenching In preparation for supply and Installation of storm waterplts around the lower part of the oval to redirect water Into native tree areas as well as new soil, top dressing and grass as well as repairs to the existing irrigation system. This project will hopefully put an end to students not being able to play on the oval hi winter after It has rained and ensure Ausklck kids have a safe playing surface. We know how Important exercise Is and having a school oval that students can utilise to keepfitand have fun Is vital, Ms Symes said.Licensed by Copyright Agency. You may only copy or communicate this work with a licence.