Revved up with funding for new track

03 Jul 2018 Whittlesea Review, Whittlesea (General News) THE road racing and recreational motorcycle sports community is celebrating the announcement of track resurfacing works at the Broadford State Motorcycle Sport Complex. The complex is a key as set for Motorcycling Victoria, however the track Is showing wear and tear. Member for Northern Victoria, Jaclyn Symes announced a funding package of $143,000 to resurface the road race circuit. In addition to this, $330,000 has also been provided from the Strategic Sporting Infrastructure Program to go towards the resurfacing works. The funding will ensure the Broadford complex can continue to deliver the best experience t o the communities that utilise the road race circuit. The Broadford road race circuit plays host to some major racing and recreational events all year around, catering to road bikes, sidecars, super-moto and historic machines. The circuit also provides a facility for new riders wanting to try out motorcycle sports, riders wanting to experience a competition surface, junior motorcycle sports development programs and the women only ride days, which are designed to encourage female participation around road bikes both recreationally and competitively. The updated circuit surface will be laid later this year, and will continue to ensure Broadford operates as one of the best road circuit facilities in Victoria. The women only ride days are organised by Motorcycling Victoria to encourage women to come and try road racing bikes in a safe and supported environment. This is done to foster an increase in female participation in motorcycling sport, which is very male dominated. Coaches and mentors are also on hand to give the ladies all the assistance they need to develop their skills and confidence on a bike. First time participants not only get to have hands-on experience, they can also get a free three month Recreational License if they want to continue riding. Since the ride days started in 2016 interest has grown and last year the number of licenses issued jumped more than 60 per cent.