Rolling stock in pipeline

08 Aug 2018 Wangaratta Chronicle, Wangaratta VIC (General News) Partnership delivering: MP CATHY McGowan (MHR, Indi) has welcomed the Victorian Governments commitment to new rolling stock for the North East rail line. But she has called on the government to put this project into its budget to ensure that the commitment is realised. As reported in Mondays Wangaratta Chronicle, the State Government has confirmed design of new standard gauge bogies for the North East track has commenced, with the full build of the new long-haul V/Locity trains to take two years to complete. Ms McGowan said the action on trains was the result of a strong partnership between community, North East advocacy groups and all levels of government, noting the work done by Jaclyn Symes (MLC, Northern Victoria). This announcement recognises the call from communities for new rolling stock to be ordered and built ahead of the rail track upgrade being completed, she said. The Border Rail Action Group and the local government involved in the Hume Rail Corridor Group have worked tirelessly to keep the North East rail line on the federal and state governments radars. Communities right across Indi have repeatedly told my office that they want reliable, comfortable public transport. This commitment from the Victorian Government will go towards addressing those concerns. Once the track has been upgraded and new rolling stock is in use, people will be able to take a train for their entire journey. The Federal Government earlier this year committed $235 million to upgrade the North East line. The entire project, including building new rolling stock, is set to take three years to complete.