Short term rego proving popular

05 Jun 2018 Whittlesea Review, Whittlesea (General News) RESIDENTS of Craigieburn and the district have been among the fastest to take up short term vehicle registration, with more than half a million Victorians already signed up. Since short term registration was introduced in January 2018, more than 24,000 Victorians each week have been signing up to enjoy new three or six-month registration options. These new choices are relieving financial pressure on families and providing a boost to household budgets. Of the eligible vehicle owners who have opted for yhe budget friendly short term registration options, 51 per cent have selected Ihe three month option and 19 per cent have chosen to register their vehicles for six months. The flexible payment option is proving most popular with the 26-35 year age group. Minister for Roads and Road Safely. Luke Donnellan. said that the relief of financial pressure on vehicle owners through the flexibility to choose a payment plan that fits their needs was welcome. An $800 lump sum can hit some family budgets hard and its clear thai the new flexible options have come as a relief to half a million Victorians, Mr Donnellan said. Member for Northern Victoria, Jaclyn Symes said motorists have been asking for short term registration payment options for some time. Many locals are benefiting from the ability to spread the cost across the full year, whether It is making it easier to balance the family budget or ensuring young people arent sacrificing social activities to pay the rego. she said. Creating a myVicRoads online account will allow owners to choose the registration option that suits them, and receive electronic reminders when their registration is due. Under the new arrangements an average three month registration costs $200.20 while an average six-month registration costs $400.10, compared toan average annual fee of $800.80. $12 million has been invested in the upgrade of VicRoads systems for short term registration.