Sports clubs getting lit up

28 Sep 2018 Border Mail, Albury-Wodonga (General News) THE homes of two big sports clubs in Wangaratta will be much brighter with better lighting, and work will start on a new childrens play area, with $596,327 in Victorian government funding announced yesterday. The money will go towards installing 200 lux sports field lighting at WJ Findlay Oval for Wangaratta Rovers and 100 lux LED lighting at South Wangaratta Reserve for Wangaratta City Football Club. Stage one of Mitchell Avenue Recreation Reserve will also begin with construction of a childrens garden, parkour equipment, and a skate-friendly pathway linking the existing splash park and playground. Northern Victoria MP Jaclyn Symes said the football and soccer clubs should be proud of the projects. Recreational infrastructure projects are vital for the Wangaratta community, expanding social and recreational opportunities both day and night, she said. Sports clubs are the lifeblood of our communities and they deserve modern, accessible and safe facilities.