Tourism numbers increasing

20 Dec 2017 Benalla Ensign, Benalla VIC (General News) Benalla is benefiting from an increase in tourism to Victorias regions according to the latest International Visitor Survey. More overseas visitors are choosing to spend their time and money in country Victoria, offering great benefits to local economies. From the wine country to wide open plains and mountain ranges, Victorias regions continue to attract international overnight visitors in droves with 535 700 travellers an increase of 5.3 per cent coming to our regional tourism hotspots since September last year. Holidaymakers in country Victoria are spending more on local produce, gifts and activities up by 18.6 per cent compared to the national average regional growth of 7.2 per cent. Day trips are proving to be not long enough to enjoy the treasures of regional Victoria, with international nights also increasing by 16.9 per cent to reach 8.2 million. International overnight visitors to regional Victoria have increased significantly over the past three years. State Member for Northern Victoria Jaclyn Symes said there were a variety of reasons people were visiting this part of the world. Major events including music and art festivals, country racing carnivals, national and world sporting championship events, amazing farmers markets and wine/beer/food celebrations are just some of the reasons growing visitation in country Victoria, Ms Symes said. Through the Regional Events Fund and the Regional Tourism and Infrastructure Fund the state government is investing in country tourism throughout Northern Victoria. Funding from the state government is helping to develop country towns into major tourist destinations, driving visitation, boosting regional economies and enhancing the livability of country Victoria. Licensed by Copyright Agency. You may only copy or communicate this work with a licence.