Trains on track for election debate

06 Mar 2018 Whittlesea Review, Whittlesea (General News) THE state of the regions train network has been thrust into the election spotlight after Member for Euroa Steph Ryan announced The Nationals would replace old trains if they were elected to government later this year. Ms Ryan has promised the N and Z class trains on the Shepparton and Albury lines would be upgraded, affecting up to three services Irom Seymour to Melbourne each week. While it was not an overhaul of the entire network for residents, The Nationals Deputy Leader said some peak hour services would benefit from the replacements. There are old trains on the lines which service Kilmore, Wandong, Broadford and Wallan and those would be replaced with new trains, Ms Ryan said. The really key service to fix is the -1.31pm train which leaves Melbourne during peak hour. If we want more people to move to our region and feel like they can commute to and from Melbourne, we need a train service which is reliable and runs on time. However. Member for Northern Victoria Jaclyn Symes said the track needs to come before the trains. Tve asked lor new trains every budget since I got elected IVe not been successful because the reality is you cant run new trains on the dodgy track we have. she said. The fix for the fault plagued line is twofold -track then trains. The track can only be fixed by the federal government; the trains are the states responsibility. In May last year. Ms Symes announced $43.5 million for new train stabling and a new crossing Itxjp near Murchison East to allow for more services on the Shepparton line. Caption Text: Debate continues: Trains are under the spotlight.Licensed by Copyright Agency. You may only copy or communicate this work with a licence.