Art groups given funds

06 Dec 2017 Benalla Ensign, Benalla VIC (General News) Regional Victoria has benefited from more than $25 000 of State Government arts funding. Ruffy, Yea, Wangaratta, and Beechworth are gearing up to bring the best of the arts thanks to $26 140 in grants through the Victorian Governments Small Regional Presenters program. State Member for Northern Victoria Jaclyn Symes congratulated RuffArtZ, Yea Arts Inc, Wangaratta Arts Council Inc, and Indigo Shire Council on their grants successes. The Small Regional Presenters program is open to regionally-based arts presenters including notfor-profit arts groups and societies, venues and local councils. Unlike a traditional touring model, which provides support for artists to take their work on the road, the Small Regional Presenters program breaks new ground by supporting venues or presenters working on the ground, to attract shows to their area. Northern Victoria has a fantastic arts community and I congratulate each of these groups for their success, Ms Symes said. Small Regional Presenters program is part of our commitment to ensuring that country Victoria have the same access to high-quality creative experience as our metro counterparts. Grant Recipients RuffArtZ, (Ruffy), $8060 Yea Arts Inc, (Yea), $12 140 Wangaratta Arts Council Inc, (Wangaratta), $3185 Indigo Shire Council, (Beechworth) $2755