Campaign hits jackpot

25 Apr 2018 Mansfield Courier, Mansfield VIC (General News) by Jarrah Loh MSC receives $4.85 million for stage two of redevelopment FOLLOWING a lengthy campaign by the Mansfield Secondary College, the Mansfield Courier and local government to pressure the State Government into a second stage commitment to school redevelopment, Upper House member Jaclyn Symes (MLC, Northern Victoria) visited MSC on Monday to present an amazing $4.85 million in funding. The college has recently commenced capital works from the previous $3m funding announced in 2016. This funding is being used to build a modern science and maths facility and is scheduled for completion later this year. I am delighted by the recent announcement, said acting principal Janessa Burkhardt. The additional $4.85m will allow us to realise our master plan, a great outcome for our school and community. We have been working hard over many years to create a modern environment more appropriate for contemporary teaching and learning. Better facilities will mean even better outcomes for our students. President of school council Mel Green said, This announcement was fantastic news for Mansfield Secondary College, these new and upgraded facilities will support the committed staff to teach our students to the highest level. This funding acknowledges the dedicated work of the school council over a number of years, and most recently the work of our past president Judy Dixon and current school principal Tim Hall, who have worked tirelessly to gain political support to complete the master plan. They have both been aided by the local Mansfield Courier and the staff and councillors at the Mansfield Shire. Mansfield Secondary College school captains Nelle Cousins and Elyssa Hardiman were excited about the news. We are extremely grateful for this funding, said Ms Cousins. The opportunities this will bring to our school are immense. We look forward to the continual growth of Mansfield Secondary College. This is an amazing development for both the school and the community; we are proud captains. Labor is upgrading and rebuilding schools right across the Northern Victoria electorate to make sure they have the best classrooms and the best facilities for our hard working students and teachers, Ms Symes said. No matter where you live in Northern Victoria, students deserve to have a great school. Ms Symes said she was especially impressed with the way the school involved its student leadership team. I visit a lot of schools and I have encouraged others to take Mansfields lead in involving their students at a planning stage, she said. Also, it is so great that the Courier is not just reporting on news and attacking local council and government, but they are out there helping the community and trying to bring about positive change. Caption Text: EXCITING TIMES AHEAD: (From left) Acting principal Janessa Burkhardt, school captain Nelle Cousins, Sally Brennan (Labor candidate for Eildon), school captain Elyssa Hardiman, Jaclyn Symes (MLC, Northern Victoria), vice-captain James Gardiner, Melanie Green (president of school council) and vice-captain Monica Jagger are excited to see stage two of the developments unfold at Mansfield Secondary College, after Jaclyn Symes announced $4.85 million to the school. PHOTO: Jarrah LohLicensed by Copyright Agency. You may only copy or communicate this work with a licence.