Graffiti prevention grants now open

21 Mar 2018 Yea Chronicle, Yea VIC (General News) COMMUNITIES throughout Northern Victoria are urged to work with their local councils to apply for community-based grants to combat local graffiti. Member for Northern Victoria, Jaclyn Symes, announced today that the latest round of Graffiti Prevention Grants has opened and funding ofup to $30,000 is available. The grants provide funding for councils to team up with community groups, local police, schools and local businesses to deliver anti-graffiti projects. Applicants are encouraged to develop a comprehensive approach to combating graffiti vandalism at a local-level. Some of the projects that may be funded include environmental design initiatives to improve natural surveillance, adoption of anti-graffiti coating or graffiti resistant materials, initiatives to cover walls vulnerable to graffiti vandalism such as vertical gardens and landscaping, murals and public art, place-based activities that encourage space activation and community ownership to care for an area which is a graffiti hotspot, graffiti removal activities and resources to support broader graffiti prevention efforts, and anti-graffiti education initiatives on laws relating to the sale ofaerosol paint cans. The Graffiti Prevention Grants provide an opportunity for councils to work with local community groups, to develop local solutions to graffiti hotspots, Ms Symes said. These projects can make a real difference to the look and feel of the community, especially around safety and community pride. Since 2015, the state government has allocated more than $80,000 towards anti-graffiti projects in Northern Victoria, including projects in Alpine Shire, Murrindindi Shire and Mitchell Shire local government areas. The grants are part of the governments Community Crime Prevention Program, which helps promote community safety and prevent crime across the state. Applications for the latest round of Graffiti Prevention Grants close on Friday, April 20. Further information is available at by Copyright Agency. You may only copy or communicate this work with a licence