New playground equipment set to benefit local children

27 Jun 2018 Myrtleford Times, Myrtleford VIC (General News) DEDERANG and Whorouly children will benefit from new equipment, toys, learning kits and more as part of a bid to ensure all students are getting the most out their early years of education. Dederang Primary School Care and Whorouly Kindergarten were two of the 29 kindergartens across Northern Victoria successful in receiving grants for new equipment that will better cater for all children. Jaclyn Symes (MLC, Northern Victoria) recently announced funding of $8,359 for Dederang Primary School Care and $3,870 for Whorouly Kindergarten as part of the Inclusive Kindergartens Facilities Program. Dederang Primary School Care intend to purchase equipment that can be utilised by students indoors and outdoors that will enable the educator to create flexible and innovative play spaces where the level of difficulty can be varied to suit different age groups. Children will be able to explore new ways to move, and learn how to control these movements safely in various spaces around them. The components of the equipment will also enhance muscle development and improve co-ordination. It is hoped childrens confidence will grow as they utilise the mobile play equipment and develop the gross motor skills required to later successfully utilise the play-ground equipment in the school yard. At Whorouly Kindergarten the purchase of a nappy change unit and adjustable tables and chairs have been proposed. The Labor Government has invested a record $123.6 million to build, expand and improve early years infrastructure across Victoria to ensure local families can continue to access quality facilities. Building the Education State begins with the early years all kids deserve the very best start to their education, regardless of their ability and Labor are delivering that in Northern Victoria, Ms Symes said. These grants are about ensuring our littlest Victorians get the support they need to thrive. Its wonderful to know kids in Northern Victoria will benefit from even more inclusive, welcoming environments when at kinder, whether its wheelchair access ramps or adjustable change tables.