On road for Wallan buses

27 Mar 2018 Whittlesea Review, Whittlesea (General News) WALLAN residents will soon have access lo beller transport services with the announcement that Public Transport Victoria will be upgrading and expanding services from April 30. From the end of April, two new town bus routes and a new shuttle service will be created to serve passengers In growing areas ofWal Ian. Member for Yan Yean Danielle Green met with Mitchell Shire Council Deputy Mayor David Lowe and local residents last Wednesday, March 21 to discuss the new services. Its a great opportunity for people In Wallan to actually be able to leave the car at home and for those that dont have a car to actually have a proper township network for the first time and meeting the trains, Ms Green said. Now weve finally got an agreement with the north east line we can now see the light at the end of the tunnel with some big Improvements In the pipeline for our rail services. I hope that gives the community confidence that our public transport Is going to keep Improving In this area and buses are something that Ive worked hard on for the IS years IVebeen In parliament. Calling the expanded transport service a marvellous step forward, Cr Lowe said council required more assistance from the state government to cope with the growth of the municipality. Ms Green said she hopes the Wallan Bus Network works as equally weir as the Plenty Valley Bus Network and she will continue pushing for It (the Wallan network) to be expanded In future budgets. The new Wallan Station to Wallan Central service will maintain key connections provided by current services, including to Wallan Town Centre, while the Wallan Station to Springrldge service will travel north along High Street towardsSprlngridge. Both new services will run from Monday to Saturday, giving Wallan residents a weekend town bus for the first time. Wallara Waters estate residents will also see a new shuttle bus service running which will connect weekday passengers to trains in the morning and evening. Services on all three routes will be timed to connect with trains at Wallan Station, making it easier for commuters to get to work, school or wherever else they need to go. In addition, 25 new bus stops will be Installed to give passengers convenient access to these services. Local residents Pauline Cox and Geoff Symons praised the new services, saying the new bus routes would benefit all residents. Member for Northern Victoria Jaclyn Symes welcomed the bus services for Wallan and said she would continue working with community groups and council to build a case for additional services In the shire. I am very pleased we have secured funding to provide new bus services for Wallan residents which come into operation in April. Ms Symes said. lh l have been working with community groups including KADRA. Mitchell Shire and Government in building the case for additional bus services in the shire and these discussions have been proactive and a number of solutions are being canvassed. Following on from the Wallan Bus Network announcement, the Mitchell Shire Council confirmed they will be conducting a bus study for Kllmore. f.See story below.) Caption Text: Tapping on: (front left) Member for Yan Yean Danielle Green and (from left) Seymour Passengers bus driuer Ruby Lauetala, Geoff Symons, Mitchell Shire Deputy Mayor David Lowe and Pauline Cox are excited about the new bus services coming to Wallan.Licensed by Copyright Agency. You may only copy or communicate this work with a licence.